Diagnostic Thermique Haute-Savoie


Energy Diagnosis, monitoring, and checks in Passy, Haute-Savoie
using a drone equipped with a thermal camera

sensitive areas
Photovoltaic Control
of plots
Search for living beings
Global view from the sky
Thermography in Passy, Haute-Savoie
Thermographic Imaging by Drone
Drone thermography allows for quickly obtaining an overview of a large area. The drone is ready to take off within minutes, easy to maneuver, and less expensive than using a helicopter.

This fast and efficient method allows for:

• To obtain information on the energy state of houses and buildings (roofs, walls), thermal advice.

• To confirm the condition of photovoltaic panels or detect any operational anomalies.

• To aid in the search for people or animals.

• To monitor industrial installations and production lines, visualize overheating in electrical lines.

• To delineate agricultural plots infested with pests or experiencing water deficiency.

• To monitor sensitive areas or sites following a fire or any other natural or industrial disaster.
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Comparison with the thermal view from the drone.

Inspection in just a few minutes in Haute-Savoie
Building Thermography

With its embedded thermal camera, the drone visualizes the entire building: facades, thermal bridges, roofing, and drainage systems. In just a few minutes and a few photos, a very large area can be inspected to obtain thermal advice.

Equipped with an infrared camera, our drone offers high precision and a high-resolution photo system.

The numerous advantages of thermography by drone:

 • Accurate capture of incident rays (rays parallel to the heat source)

 • Allows roof inspections within authorized height limits

 • Captures images of windows and walls at significant heights

 • Provides rapid and secure thermal readings 

This technique provides an infrared view of the structure to check the tightness of the roof, walls, and openings, highlighting energy losses in risk areas and detecting damp areas and potential leaks. 

Thermography highlights a building's energy losses (heat leaks) through a color palette associated with a temperature scale generated during image capture.


Building Thermography
by drone in PASSY, Haute-Savoie

Perfect roof insulation with visible VMC (Ventilation Mécanique Contrôlée) outlet.

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A comprehensive report
Delivered to the client upon inspection completion

Thanks to drone thermography, we can provide a comprehensive and immediate report (live viewing on-screen before analysis on suitable technical software) of a building's energy situation.

Thermal loss refers to the heat lost by a building. These losses are often caused by insufficient insulation or air renewal.

Thermography highlights a building's energy losses (heat leaks) through a color palette associated with a temperature scale generated during image capture.

We can detect hidden defects in a building such as pipe leaks (air, water...), potential water infiltrations, humidity or rodent issues, insulation faults in walls and roofing, heating and air conditioning losses, as well as abnormal heat in an electrical system.

This inspection technique helps prevent and resolve highlighted issues, thus avoiding further damage to your property. 50% of energy losses escape through the roof! The technical details revealed after the drone flight are essential in the renovation and improvement of the energy performance of inspected buildings.

A drone energy assessment can be conducted before purchasing a house; you can request a thermographic analysis in your contract. Our technicians can provide you with a very precise analysis that can be highly useful during an assessment.

Drone thermography must follow precise operating procedures to obtain the best possible images and facilitate analysis. The operating procedure is established based on the objective and constraints of the terrain or building.

Indeed, depending on the buildings (industrial or individual or collective housing), the construction materials used can vary.

Once this information is highlighted, we adjust the flights and equipment used to fine-tune the analysis.

Cell Detection | Failures | Efficiency Issues

Thermal inspection of photovoltaic panels in Haute-Savoie

Losses around the VELUX and chimneys, precise thermal advice.

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A comprehensive view of your network in Haute-Savoie
Inspection of Photovoltaic Thermal

Inspecting photovoltaic panels by drone ensures quick and reliable information. It helps detect defective panels, cells, or other components.

By identifying issues, the inspection enables prompt action to restore the installation's productivity without interrupting its operation.

Through drone thermography, you can detect potential flaws in your installations.

While visual inspection might suffice for identifying dirt on photovoltaic panels, thermography helps detect wear due to corrosion, for instance. This allows you to anticipate expenses and repairs before they escalate.

The drone enables:

• Detection of defective cells.
• Detection of electrical failures.
• Detection of shaded areas (trees, hedges..), as well as dirt causing efficiency issues.

Photovoltaique en Haute-Savoie

Thermal Capture vs. Original with the Thermal Drone.

Défauts d’isolation au faîtage mis en évidence par la thermographie

Insulation faults at the ridge highlighted by thermography.

Cutting-edge detection in Haute-Savoie
How We Proceed

The flight process and thermography implementation follow these steps:

 • Defining the site, environment, and building for analysis. (If possible, a preliminary visit to the site to be surveyed will be conducted to identify any technical constraints: aerial cables, poles, trees, property boundaries...)

 • Checking the map for possible flight restrictions on Géoportail (geoportail.gouv.fr)

 • Notifying the relevant authorities (Prefecture of the concerned department via the government's AlphaTango platform)

 • Drafting and following the operating procedure. Adhering to safety guidelines and defining a flight area.

 • Conducting the flight under optimal conditions: time, weather, temperature, humidity, wind...

Note: Some operations may require a flight at dawn, without the need for access to the interior of inspected buildings.

 • Analyzing images using technical software, providing thermal advice.
 • Drafting an inspection report.

Delivery of the report to the client with all the captured images.

Additionally, a second survey may be conducted after renovation work to demonstrate the utility of these efforts.

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Capture done in 4K HDR.

Aerial Shots

To capture your buildings or events using 4K HDR photography

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